Seo blogs

Search engine rankings can be improved by simple search engine optimization, or SEO tools. Search engine rankings are based on a number of aspects of your website such as how fast it loads up for someone and how much information is on it. When someone is using a search engine, the search engine ranking your website gets will depend on how good your web page is.

Only twenty percent of people click on advertised links, the other eighty percent choose organic results when using search engines. Organic click through produces twenty five percent higher conversion rates than the equivalent Pay Per Click click through. Over half of the consuming population starts at a search engine when researching something. And about a quarter of people visit company websites when researching, and an even lower less than twenty percent of people use social media websites. Almost sixty percent of B2B marketers say that search engine optimization, or SEO, has a large influence on the traffic that comes to their website.

Sixty five percent of people with cell phones use their smart phone to find a business to go to. It is so easy to find somewhere to spend money when you have the internet at your finger tips at all times. You can find restaurants that are near by, or the nearest shopping center. You can even find a new place to buy your dogs favorite food or the best doctor nearby. The options are endless.

With internet usage at an all time high, it is important to get your website seen and heard by the most people possible. The more people that view your site, the more people will be likely to use your product. And the more people that use your product, the more people are likely to talk about your business, and the cycle continues. Do not let your business get forgotten in the phone book, put it out there on the web so people searching the web can see it too.

37 Post

SEO Packages


  1. Martin Fox

    SEO companies are a rip off. They are just trying to steal your money. Nothing good will come of them other than expensive bills. Not worth the money.

  2. Darryl Henderson

    SEO companies are a rip off. They are just trying to steal your money. Nothing good will come of them other than expensive bills. Not worth the money.

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