Seo marketing

On February 26th, 2009 google posted its first tweet in binary code that stood for ‘I’m feeling lucky.’ Between 70 and 80 percent of internet search users will not even consider to sponsored results but, instead, choose natural and organic result links. Leads that come through Search engine optimization marketing methods have a close rate of 14.6 percent whereas outbound leads, like email blasts and cold calling, have a 1.7 percent close rate. Organic click through from search engine optimization generate 25 percent higher conversion rates than equivalent Pay Per Click traffic. Google’s PageRank algorithm is named after the co founder of Google, Larry Page.

Search Engine Optimization is a unique process that has somewhat changed the landscape of the way we do business, both marketers and consumers. With SEO marketing, consumers now have the power and ability to determine future approaches by advertisers and marketers because, for the first time ever, consumers control where they are going with website traffic, internet search results, and their online shopping habits. It is believed that most people who run an internet search do not even consider sponsored links anymore because they find them misleading and intrusive. This new trend has led to the rise of Search Engine Optimization and continues to grow. The idea behind Search Engine Optimization is to build online reputation, online visibility, and drive new traffic to the clients website. From there, the evidence shows that Search Engine Optimization online marketing helps build new business over 50 percent of the time. These numbers are explained to the client using SEO tools and SEO reporting, as well, so the client has a generally complete understanding of how successful the campaign is going.

Search Engine Optimization is a great way to improve the bottom line of a business but it is no overnight miracle. Over the long term, SEO marketing is a great way to increase consumer awareness by maintaining a professional and indelible image via the internet. Search Engine Optimization methods that are legal and generally accepted are with SEO blogs, Seo news articles, and engaging social media content. SEO methods become more and more successful based on the Google ranking algorithm where a keyword search correlates directly to how much traffic has been driven to a specific website thanks to organic and naturally occurring Search Engine Optimization search results.

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