
More than ninety percent of adults who use the internet in the US perform at least one search a day, whether it is on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or one of the many search engines, and nearly half of the people using their mobile device do so to find product reviews, deals, or other important information online. Because of these statistics and the growing connectivity of today’s society, online marketing is a necessity for businesses if they wish to compete and grow their business. Traditional marketing and advertising media, sometimes known as outbound marketing, have a close rate that is less than two percent, while SEO (also known as search engine optimization) leads have a close rate that is almost fifteen percent. For this reason, it is important to be very aware of the methods of online marketing and their viability in the internet marketplace.

Traditional online marketing includes things like banner ads on websites, the ads you see on social media like Facebook, sponsored results on various search engines, and other outbound marketing techniques that many internet users ignore or abhor. SEO marketing is a relatively new phenomenon, but it is also largely successful in the long run. Because many internet users ignore direct advertisements, online marketing has evolved to increase your rankings in organic search results. By fine tuning your site’s content and offering other services for the aesthetics of your website, SEO marketing achieves visibility and increased traffic on your website because it will move up in the Google rankings.

Speaking of Google, many people see it as a monolithic Goliath in the modern search engine field because, in many cases, your website’s success depends on its visibility through Google. Some fun facts: during its humble beginnings as a research project, Google’s founders used LEGOs to store their ten 4GB hard drives that tested the PageRank algorithm, which is now what is used to determine your site’s relevance to the search words. This algorithm was named for a co founder of Google, Larry Page.

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