When the Search is On

Google rankings have become among the most important rankings when it comes to marketing to the average consumer. Not everyone is aware of the significance of Google rankings, but they actually can make quite a significant difference. That is why search engine optimization is becoming an ever expanding industry as more people look up SEO […]

The Importance of Search Engines

Did you know that roughly 92 percent of online adults in America perform at least once search on a search engine per day? On that note, Google receives roughly 65 to 70 percent of the internet search engine market share. Search engines are without a doubt among the most valuable and widely used sites on […]

The Importance of Ranking Highly on Google

Did you know that goats are used to mow the lawn of Google headquarters? In addition, Google founders used LEGO bricks to create a hard drive storage compartment when they were first testing their PageRank algorithm. Although Google has some unconventional habits, it still owns approximately 70% of the search engine market share. In order […]

Need to Learn About SEO?

Did you know that the origin of the Google “doodle” at the top of the page came from the Burning Man Festival in Nevada? It was first intended as an out of office message to let people know the creators of Google were at the famous festival. When it was first a research project, the […]

Optimize Online Marketing With Search Engine Optimization

58 percent of consumers use search engines when they begin researching a product. This number overshadows the amount of people who visit a company website directly (24 percent ) and those who inquire through social media networks (18 percent ). It is vivid how beneficial employing search engine optimization (SEO) can be to a business. […]